We have gradually built up a large collection of small parts to use in our crafts. This project was totally instigated by my boy, he collected a lots of wooden small parts from our craft cupboard and began to build these cool city sculptures. Once the glue had dried, the next day we painted them. I think they look like crazy worlds from Dr Seuss!
We love working with small parts as it is so completely open ended, your creations can be what every your imagination allows!
- A wooden board to make the base
- A selection of wooden blocks, beads, cotton reels and corks
- Wooden paddle pop sticks and dowels
- Natural elements like gum nuts or pine cones
- Multi purpose craft glue
- Paint
Set out all your materials and then start gluing. You could build a city, a house or maybe an imaginary playground! Once the glue has dried you can paint your creation.
Since making these first city sculptures we have done this project many times, here are a few more of our creations.
Here at Mini Mad Things, when I'm not busy crafting up a storm with my little ones, I also run a small online shop selling a range of eco-friendly kids ART SUPPLIES, CRAFT BOXES and beautiful art activity BOOKS. All the products that I sell are tried and tested by my awesome team of rigorous quality control experts (my little ones) and we only sell items that we love!
Head over to our online SHOP HERE >>>
Natural Water Colour Paints
Drawing Workshop For Kids
Embroidery & Jewellery Kit
Art Workshop For Children