This is a fantastic project for little ones, my 2 yr old loved sticking all the collage materials onto the sticky back plastic and it is a great way to use up scraps of yarn or tissue paper. For older children you could talk about symmetry and encourage them to create a symmetrical pattern on their wings.
- Contact paper (Stick backed plastic)
- Masking tape
- Scissors
- Items to collage like tissue paper, feathers, coloured paper, yarn scraps or anything else you have to hand
- Thin elastic (If you want to make your collage into wearable wings)
Draw your butterfly shape onto the plastic side of the contact paper, peel off the backing and place the plastic sticky side up to a table. Hold it in place using masking tape around the edge.
Arrange your collage materials and begin sticking trying to keep your collage materials inside the outline of the butterfly shape.
Once you have filled your butterfly with beautiful colours and shapes, stick another sheet of contact paper onto the top of your wings.
Cut out your butterfly shape. You can either leave it as a pretty stained glass window decoration or attach elastic straps to make them into wings.
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